Name   Tenra Hex

Rank   Lieutenant Commander
Position   Executive Officer
Age   26
Weight   184 Pounds
Height   5'4"
Hair   Black Shortly Cropped
Eyes   Bright Blue
Parents   Stell and Myra Hemmel
Born   2435
Home   City of Fenderal, Trill
Quarters   3-304
Starfleet Courses   Archo-Biology
Astrophysics and Planetary Science
Physics and Chemistry
Engineering Extension Course
  Trill Spots and Bright Blue Sapphire eyes
2435, Age 0   Born to parents Stell and Mrya Hemmel
2439, Age 4   Starts schooling
2446, Age 11   Suffers from Severe case of Trillian Measles
2447, Age 12   Younger sister Marcil born
2453, Age 18   Is accepted into Starfleet Academy, against his parent's wishes
2457, Age 22   Graduates Starfleet Academy with 2nd highest grades of that year
Is advised to take a position of Tutor and Lecturer for the Academy
2459, Age 24   Time spent at the Symbiosis Commission for just over a year,  prior to and after joining with Hex
Offered position of Ensign and Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Odysseus-A
2460, Age 25   Promoted to Lieutenant
After the destruction of the USS Odysseus is asked by Captain Strell to serve aboard the USS Epsilon as Executive Officers
Tenra has changed quite a bit since "joining" with Hex.  At the Academy he was outgoing, outspoken, and lived life to it's full potential.  Now however he is more reserved in his approach to his life, a trait he may have picked up from his previous host Mikal.  He doesn't like to leave a problem unsolved and will sometime stay up all night trying to figure out a solution.  He still suffers now and again from problems that arose from the traumatism that was caused to Hex during the accident described below.

Tenra's parents Stell and Mrya Hemmel live on Trill with his younger sister Marcil.  Neither his parents are joined and were against him going through training at the Symbiosis Commission.  They also were not happy that he went the Starfleet Academy either.  Tenra has little contact with his parents these days and hasn't spoken to them since his joining.

Tenra spent the usual four years at Starfleet Academy, leaving with some of the highest marks of that graduating year.  For the next two and a half years, on the recommendation of several of his lecturers, he spent some time at three of the next Science Academies within the UFED.  Most of his time was spent at Cambridge, England, on Earth.

He then contacted Starfleet who agreed to sponsor his time at the Symbiosis Commission and was granted a position within the UFED Embassy on the Trill home world.  During his first six monthly evaluation with his instructor Mikal Hex, their runabout class vessel crash landed on the planet that they had gone to train on.

The automatic distress signal was picked up by the USS Oakland.  On it's arrival at the planet they found Mikal Hex severely injured and close to death and Tenra was unconscious.  The CMO aboard the Oakland contacted Trill and was told that at all cost the symbiont must be saved at all costs.  After only six months training, Tenra was joined with the symbiont Hex.  The unconscious Tenra Hemmel woke up as Tenra Hex.

After seven months on Trill, visit after visit from counselors and psychiatrists he contacted Starfleet about gaining a Science Officer position aboard a starship.  Almost immediately he was offered a post aboard the USS Odysseus-A, based in the Beta Quadrant.  He accepted the post straight away, but a small part of him was not too excited at the posting.

He was promoted shortly thereafter to Lieutenant, completely skipping the Lieutenant Junior Grade rank.  More recently, upon the destruction of the Odysseus and the holographic matrix of Payton Schwartz, he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and Executive Officer.

Previous Hosts:

First Host - Lenara Hex.

Lenara Hex was married to Casil Trell and were both officers in the Diplomatic Core during the Dominion War of 2394.  Leading up to the devastating effects that the war was having on the Federation at the time, Lenara was posted to Earth and Casil was posted to Betazed.  During the final confrontations, of the battle, he was helping civilians escape but was aboard one of the transports that did not make it out of the Betazed sector.

After the war ended Lenara remained on Earth as an Ambassador for Trill.  She helped with the coordination of the many refugees that been displaced during the war.  Relocation was not easy at that time, with the collapse of the Federation many worlds focused on their own people and resources but some people felt that some things were more important.

Lenara died from natural causes.

Second Host - Mikal Hex

After joining with the Hex symbiont Mikal became an instructor at the Symbiosis Commission.  Mikal kept himself to himself, was quite shy and retiring around people but as an instructor was Hard but fair.

Most Detailed Officer Merit Most Detailed
Most Resourceful Player of the Month


These pages are built and maintained by Michael Santerre for the benefit of the crew of the USS Epsilon and the other players of UFED RPOŠ. Much of the imagery has come from various sources, and therefore exact origins are unknown to me. However, if you recognize any of the work as your own, please contact me and I will be happy to reference you and/or your site. I assure you that no breech of copyright was intended.  If you have any questions / comments / queries - e-mail me, and I will respond ASAP.
The pips graphics on this page were created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files freely to anyone who takes the time to ask him for their use.
'Star Trek', 'Star Trek: The Next Generation', 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', and 'Star Trek: Voyager' are all registered trade marks of Paramount Pictures Pty Ltd, a Viacom Industry.  No copyright breech is intended!